SaaS App Capabilities: A TOGAF-Based Stratification for Stakeholder Understanding

2 min readJul 23, 2023


In continuation towards exploring SaaS approach with business capabilities in previous article, we will deep dive into stratification of capabilities for multiple stakeholders. To ensure effective communication and understanding among stakeholders, this article employs the TOGAF framework to stratify the app’s capabilities into different levels. By categorizing capabilities under the four pillars: Process, People, Information, and Resource, stakeholders can gain valuable insights into the app’s functionalities and make well-informed decisions.

Importance of Stratification: The TOGAF-based stratification empowers stakeholders with varying technical expertise to understand the Driving School SaaS App’s capabilities at different levels. This structured approach enhances collaboration, fosters informed decision-making, and supports the driving school’s success.

At the highest level, the Driving School SaaS App is built on eight core capabilities, strategically aligned with the four TOGAF pillars at the first level:

Strategic Capabilities (Level 1):

Strategic Capabilities — Level 1 — Image generated using D2

Core Capabilities (Level 2):

Core Capabilities (Level 2)

Like this we need to keep expanding the capabilities into multiple levels. Level 3 would go into much more granular details.

Supporting Capabilities (Level 3):

Supporting Capabilities Level 3

For example, the top tier(Strategic) is often aimed at the executive function’s span of control: business capabilities related to strategy and direction-setting. The middle tier typically represents the core, customer-facing elements of the business, while the bottom tier groups those business capabilities that are essential for the business to function but are more behind-thescenes playing a supporting role.

Through the lens of TOGAF, the stratification of capabilities in the Driving School SaaS App unlocks a deeper understanding for stakeholders. As they comprehend the interconnectedness of capabilities at various levels, stakeholders can effectively leverage the app’s functionalities to deliver a seamless learning experience for aspiring drivers, while achieving organizational excellence. In the next article we will look at generating a heat map which would enable to map business capabilities with Business Architecture.




IT Professional/Blogger. My career and life built by beautiful people around me, I'm thankful to them forever. The views expressed by me are my own.